Saturday 3 January 2015

A lot of assholes today.

Visited the S.E.A Aquarium today with my family at RWS Sentosa. It wasn't really that much fun, I mean after the 100th sea creature, things just got a little bit repetitive, the dolphins were interesting but all the other sea creatures weren't really very fun to watch, it would have been fascinating had they gotten a huge sea creature in their huge tank, like a blue whale or a giant shark, but alas, the biggest sea creature I saw was a only Manta Ray.

After the visit through the Aquarium, we decided to have lunch at the food court nearby, ordered some chicken rice balls, a mixture of fried items and char kway teow. I didn't appreciate the tone the char kway teow guy was using when I went to collect my food, or the tone of the gelato ice cream cashier who served me at the gelato shop in RWS. 

Mr Char Kway Teow was impatient and rude. I just asked him a simple question...

"How many plates did we order ?" .....because I wasn't the one who ordered it, it was my Dad, I was only in charge of collecting what he had ordered.

*looks at me annoyed and proceeds to flips through the  receipts he has taped on the table* 

"Only one lah!"

The tone he used on me is the kind of tone a gangster would use when he's trying to pick a fight with the guy at the other table who's staring at him, except this fucker is not a gangster, he's a Char Kway Teow stall helper who lacks basic manners and etiquette on how he should be talking to a customer... and I was very polite when asking the fucker that question.  

The only time he should reply with that answer and tone should be when people ask him how high his IQ is.

"Only one lah...." because it's so~  fucking obvious.

The gelato guy on the other hand wasn't rude, but he was very sarcastic when I was making payment for my $9 cup of gelato. 

The meme is not related, but the facial expression is similar to this, but maybe dial it down a few notches

Gelato Man : "Want some waffles to go with your purchase?" *with that face*

Me :"No thanks"

Gelato Man : "Want a bottle of water to go with your purchase?" *with that face*

Me: "Nope Thanks"

I don't even know why he felt the need to use that sarcastic tone when he was speaking to me, and he wasn't even trying to be funny, or maybe he was but it didn't come across that way because there wasn't anything humorous about his condescending tone . No! I don't want that bottle of overpriced water to pair with my ice cream, but I would like to pair that bottle of water with your face really really hard and also pair the waffle machine you use to make waffles with with your anal cavity while it's still hot. Fucking prick.

Another thing I bought from RWS is Bean Boozled.

$5 PER PACK. And it stinks.

This is not the kind of candy to have by yourself, so I shared the experience with my Sisters. 

Initially when I had some in the car, I was scared to even bite on it because watching all the Youtubers do the Bean Boozled challenge, I thought the taste was going to be foul, I thought it would be vomit inducing bad, but it wasn't that bad, I mean it's the "Weird and Wild" flavors are definitely not flavors that are easy to swallow, but a lot of times the Youtbers I find are just greatly exaggerating their reactions, like two girls who said they could smell the stench from simply opening the box, I couldn't smell the "stench" when I took what I would assume to be the most foul flavored jelly bean and put it against my nostrils to smell, much less get a whiff of it from simply opening the package. LIES

I have watched videos in which one girl started gagging when she realized she had gotten the toothpaste flavored jelly bean instead of the berries one, and her reaction towards it is like it's the worst thing she has ever eaten, I can't imagine how she brushes her teeth everyday if that's how she reacts to a toothpaste flavored jelly bean. Every time she starts to brush her teeth, she will have this urge to vomit, and when she does vomit, she has to clean out her mouth and brush again, only for her to start vomiting again and repeat the whole process, like that vomiting girl from the Sixth Sense.

Ironically, when the actress grew up, she actually suffered from Anorexia for a while.
Anorexia, Bulimia, same same but not really.

I thought the dog food flavored one was okay until the taste decided to linger in my mouth. Rotten egg and barf were definitely the worst, I didn't have any stinky socks in my pack but I'm very sure those will taste disgusting as well.

Anyways, to backtrack a little, while I was  queuing up to pay for my candy at Candylicious, some fucker actually cut the queue. 

Queue cutting twat.

I was standing behind this lady who had a child in one hand and another 2 running around her constantly, much to my annoyance, and  behind me was a single long line of people who were like us, queuing up to pay for our candy, and right behind me stood this motherfucker.

I could tell he was getting a bit impatient because he kept moving forward even though the line wasn't moving, and the closer he got, the more I tried to keep a comfortable distance between me and him, so I moved up as well a bit, but the problem was I didn't have much room to move forward anymore because there were 2 kids running around their mother in circles like she had her own gravity and her kids were planets orbiting around her , so it was very uncomfortable when I realize I couldn't move up anymore, otherwise I might knock the kids off their orbit. Thankfully, the fucker decided to stop trying to move forward and just stood behind me, but really closely.

There were two cashier counters open that day and both had customers checking out their items, if I'm not mistaken, the next in line to pay for their items would be the lady in front of me with her orbiting kids, followed by me and then the motherfucker behind me, I mean that's how a queue works, ask the Char Kway Teow idiot with 1 IQ and even he will go "Of course lah". Well,  apparently the motherfucker behind me didn't understand how  a queue works because the moment the cashier at one of the counter said...

"Next please!"

... instead of waiting for the lady to move forward, the fucker behind me just walks past me and the lady in front of me without skipping a beat and drops his basket of candies on the cashier counter like there's nothing wrong with that, he didn't even look embarrassed or look remorseful that he just cut 2 people's queue, but I guess when you have the blood of an inconsiderate asshole running through your veins, that nonchalant attitude is to be expected.

No one bothered to say anything, the lady in front of me decided to just wait for the other counter, I also didn't say anything, the last thing I want to do is create a scene in that shop, the cashier didn't bother as well and just checked his items out as per usual, and really by the time the lady and I were done with checking out our items, that cashier was still busy checking out the fucker's items. He did get quite a fair bit of items because he came out of the store with a big bag full of candy and biscuits. I was at a table nearby when he came out of the shop so I managed to take a picture of him in all his fuckery.

Life would have been so much better had that fucker accidentally tripped and fell on his bag of candies and biscuits.... 

Happy New Year.

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