Saturday 25 October 2014

Incoming Root Canal Surgery

So apparently now I have a zit growing on my gums, as if the ones I am getting on my face aren't enough, now they are popping out inside my mouth as well and it's the same as how a zit that has yet to show it's whiteness feels on the face, sore and painful.

Initially I wasn't sure whether or not to visit a doctor or a dentist, but decided since it was an oral issue, the dentist it was. Made an appointment today and popped by the dentist office, the dentist couldn't really do much because he specialized in braces and the white zit on my gum was obviously not braces related, so he took an X-ray came to the conclusion that one of my tooth has been infected, like right inside the teeth and the only way to solve this problem was for me to get a fucking root canal.

I didn't have a good experience with the dentist during my secondary school days, it was painful, it was long and it actually scared me to the point I started working on my oral hygiene so I would not have to experience what I experience in secondary school ever again, and now I get presented with a scenario that's even worst.

The procedure for getting my braces done wasn't bad because it was something I wanted, my wisdom tooth surgery was pretty much painless because I was put under general anesthesia, so even if there were any oral injections, which I am fucking scared off, I wouldn't know, BUT with the root canal surgery, it's not something I want to go through but have to otherwise I would get really sick from it, or as Google Search tells me, I "might get brain damage and die from the infection" which sounds like some Greys' Anatomy or House M.D. episode,  and during the root canal surgery, I won't be put under general anesthesia but local, which means a lot of oral injections are about to come my way.

I really want to pop this fucking zit in my mouth though, apparently it will bring some sort of instant relief, because it was drain out all the puss and I won't have this aching lump in my gum anymore, but there's a chance I might get an infection if I'm not careful with the sterilization of my needles, which I don't have and was contemplating on using a toothpick... which is just a very bad idea, so the lump is still in my gum but the pain is being put under control by painkillers.  

Surgery is going to happen on Tuesday and I am really hoping the dentist will apply some topical anesthesia on my gums first before injecting and please let the anesthesia work, I don't want to have to go through the whole surgery feeling the dentist probing, digging and yanking out the nerves in my teeth because that will really fucking hurt like a fucking bitch, I mean drilling a cavity near the nerves of my teeth is already bad enough.... but grabbing a raw nerve and yanking it out is going to fucking hurt, or as the dentist would say...."this might sting a little"...biggest fucking lie ever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can only imagine how painful it would be to have a zit growing out of your gums. Anyway, how are things doing now? Have you gone through with the surgery? I hope things are better now, and that you don’t have to go through that experience ever again. Thanks for sharing, Timothy. Take care!

    Pedro George @ Mirror Lake Family Dentistry
