Friday 22 June 2012


The level of ignorance and stupidity some people exhibit sometimes amazes me, and by amaze I mean piss me off.

Yesterday while doing my duty at the entrance into the airbase, one vehicle drives up to my lane, and it's really common sense for those who have worked at the airbase to flash their entry pass and show me their cell phones before they are allowed to enter the base.

He flashed me his pass and I actually signaled him to show me his cellphone, but apparently he didn't realize, so he looked at me, flicked his head and kinda mouth to me "WHAT?" after realising I am not opening the gate for him to enter, and when I say flick I don't mean the small head flick, this dipshit really flick his head like how a gangster would when you stare at them too long and they want to start a fight with you.

Of course I was pissed off, but Mr Dipshit was a higher ranking army personnel and I was in an army camp, I can't flip him off or anything, so I politely asked to take a look at his cellphone. And he showed me a camera cellphone with a blue smokey transparent phone casing on it and since no one was allowed to bring a camera cellphone in, I told him to surrender really politely.

This was the part that really pissed me off. Instead of replying nicely, he stares at me, like I'm the stupid one, pulls down the transparent casing and question me like I'm some sort of criminal asking me if I knew what the little clearance sticker stuck below the camera sensor opening was.  The little sticker is like a sticker to proof the person has removed the camera from the back of their camera cellphone, technically making it a non camera cellphone that's allowed in base.

Here's the problem.


People who enter the base usually flash me a non-camera cellphone, when I see any cellphone with a camera  opening at the back, I will automatically ask them to declare it before entering the base. It's very rare for people to actually get a camera cellphone and remove the camera because that's just fucking stupid.

You pay money for some cheap ass Samsung camera phone and then pay a hundred bucks or so to remove a shitty camera. Of course I'm going to assume the camere's not removed, who the fuck would want to get a cheap ass Samsung touchscreen phone that cost maybe $400, pay an extra $100 to remove the fucking camera, and then take the trouble to go up to the higher management to have the phone certified camera free  when you can combine that total sum and get a non camera Blackberry.

I would understand if it was an iPhone, I mean the main reason, although it's not stated, for the camps to allow modified camera phones to be brought in is so that people serving the army can get to enjoy their iPhone in base. Even the "example" we are shown of how the sticker would look like on a cellphone is an iPhone.


He sounded really annoyed when I asked him to surrender it because I'm guessing a lot of people from my Squadron missed out the clearance sticker when they check him

It's not very hard to just tell me nicely beforehand that the camera's been removed, give me a heads up so I can spot the sticker easily. This dumb fuck thinks having to tell the Security Trooper that his phone is modified every day is a chore.

I have to stand there for 6 hours and check that every single person has a pass, a non-camera cellphone, salute every officers that drive by and ask every other person who doesn't have a pass to go get one at the office inside.

Although I don't do that everyday, but I'm pretty sure having to check everyone entering the base for 6 hours is a lot more repetitive than having to tell the security trooper that his cellphone is modified everyday.. it doesn't take away 6 hours of your day to tell the person you have your camera removed you dumb fuck, Mr Dipshit ended up wasting more time.

And Lastly....


 So maybe the cover is not opaque but it's smokey blue, I don't have bionic eyes, I can't roughly gauge that the little sticker at the back might or might not be a clearance sticker because believe it not, people will usually go get a non camera blackberry and save that $100 on something else, like maybe buy some common sense.

Dipshit even dared to asked me...

"Do you know what this sticker is?"

AFTER removing the cellphone case...

 Fucking moron. I know what it is but I can't see, having to remove the casing to show me the sticker should probably be a sign that not everyone can see the little sticker.

And because of him my whole day was ruined. Looked at me like I was the dumb one when the person who was lacking any common sense was him. And some manners would be nice.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Red Velvet

Found a great red velvet recipe a week back and decided to test it out. 

I'm not feeling very charitable today so not gonna link the recipe anywhere here. The only tip I can give to people who are looking for any sort of recipes online is to NEVER EVER trust cupcake recipes given by famous cupcake stores like DC Cupcakes and Magnolia Cupcakes. I mean their recipe is their livelihood, they are gonna want you to go to their store to get the cupcakes, not to a local supermarket to get ingredients to make their cupcakes.

I tried both of them which I found online and they were obviously tweaked, the cupcakes come out very dry and the insides look like solid batter. 

Didn't want to use this picture but I didn't have any other left. Was gonna take one nicer one but my Mum ate the last one.

I thought my Red Velvet was good enough, well it's not mine per se but I did tweak the recipe a little bit, until I went to Bugis yesterday to buy cupcakes from Twelve Cupcakes because they opened a new outlet at Bugis recently and since I was around the area, decided to buy half a dozen.

6 small size cupcakes for $17. I don't know if it's worth it but the cupcakes were freaking good. the cake base was really light and fluffy and the buttercream didn't have the butter taste nor the oiliness that my cream cheese frosting has, I suspect they use Swiss Meringue Buttercream but I'm not sure because I haven't had the balls to try making that yet. But the serving was way too small, finished a whole cupcake in 5 bites. And I only had 2 because I gave 4 to my family.

For comparison sake, and also to put up more pictures from my Instagram library, this is a cupcake from Delifrance.... and it's not very nice.

I like how the cupcake look but seriously, how the hell is someone going to stuff the cake in their mouth if the frosting is piped to reach the heavens. Their frosting is really thick as well, not good.

Anyways. After buying my cupcake yesterday, as I was making my way to the bus stop via the underground passage, I decided to go withdraw some money, and I guess because realizing I was slightly loaded, this old man decides to come up to me and ask for 2 dollars to take a ride home. When I say old I mean like around 60 years old, wrinkly enough to be considered old but not old enough that I would give up my seat to him.

I didn't have any spare change with me so I couldn't spare him any, all I had were like 10 cents and 20 cents coin that didn't even total up to a dollar and I wasn't going to give him my freshly withdrawn $50 notes, so I told him I didn't have any money, and he actually sort of gave me a small chase afterwards and kept calling out to me as I speed walk my way to the escalator . Felt a little bit bad afterwards.

I have actually given money to some old guy on the road before because he had no lunch money, plus he really looked like he could  use some help.  He legs were like hock jointed so he walked like a chicken.

I kept thinking of this Manga that I read and I keep thinking he's probably super fast because the main character with that leg is super fast, of course I don't think that's possible .... or is it.

Oh, and I was also confined for 2 hours yesterday in camp because someone threw away a blanket issued by the army into the bin and no one admitted it so everyone was punished. A lot of people were obviously pissed off about it, I was pretty neutral because I really had nothing better to do at home anyway. It sounds really sad.