Saturday 29 October 2011

Pictures and Caption

Well I think this blog needs some picture because there's a limit to how minimalist I want my blog to look. Anyway previous post removed, I don't want to dedicate an entire post to someone I don't like... and not only that, but I also don't want to soil this blog with too much negativity. 

Self inflicted humor is okay, but making fun of others/bitching behind their back will be done in real life and not in the virtual world. 

S$10 Chocolate from Dubai. 

It's actually creamier than normal chocolate, that's why it cost S$10. My Mum and Sis bought it for me as a souvenir. I think I actually prefer getting food as souvenirs rather than a T-Shirt which spells Dubai in front and a picture of whatever Dubai is famous for at the back. A shitload of skyscrapers?   

Banana Cream Pie 

Had an obsession with this Fruit Pie from Fruit Paradise a few weeks ago. I had it so many times it got boring. Now that obsession has died.. Sounds like a hot chick's love life

Alex the rescued Hamster.

Alex the hammy is still very much alive. A lil fatter and a lot more lazier but still very friendly, previous hamsters that were under our care in the past always bite, only Alex doesn't. 

Abandonment scars a pet for life, now she's always well behaved. Of course I doubt that applies to rowdy children who run around shopping malls in circles and shout at their parents when they are asked to stop. 

My Nintendo 3DS

I think I should give my 3DS a name. Like Cataracts or Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon. 3D without glasses doesn't give you less of a headache. Although its so much more convinient and really cool at first. And FYI, 3D don't pop out of the screen, it creates a depth inside the screen, so technically it doesn't look like its popping out, its just the other things are popping in if you are smart enough to get what I mean.

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