Saturday 29 October 2011

Pictures and Caption

Well I think this blog needs some picture because there's a limit to how minimalist I want my blog to look. Anyway previous post removed, I don't want to dedicate an entire post to someone I don't like... and not only that, but I also don't want to soil this blog with too much negativity. 

Self inflicted humor is okay, but making fun of others/bitching behind their back will be done in real life and not in the virtual world. 

S$10 Chocolate from Dubai. 

It's actually creamier than normal chocolate, that's why it cost S$10. My Mum and Sis bought it for me as a souvenir. I think I actually prefer getting food as souvenirs rather than a T-Shirt which spells Dubai in front and a picture of whatever Dubai is famous for at the back. A shitload of skyscrapers?   

Banana Cream Pie 

Had an obsession with this Fruit Pie from Fruit Paradise a few weeks ago. I had it so many times it got boring. Now that obsession has died.. Sounds like a hot chick's love life

Alex the rescued Hamster.

Alex the hammy is still very much alive. A lil fatter and a lot more lazier but still very friendly, previous hamsters that were under our care in the past always bite, only Alex doesn't. 

Abandonment scars a pet for life, now she's always well behaved. Of course I doubt that applies to rowdy children who run around shopping malls in circles and shout at their parents when they are asked to stop. 

My Nintendo 3DS

I think I should give my 3DS a name. Like Cataracts or Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon. 3D without glasses doesn't give you less of a headache. Although its so much more convinient and really cool at first. And FYI, 3D don't pop out of the screen, it creates a depth inside the screen, so technically it doesn't look like its popping out, its just the other things are popping in if you are smart enough to get what I mean.

Sunday 16 October 2011

Back from Phuket.

Came back from Phuket a few days ago and tomorrow I'm headed back to camp, but this time in Clementi.

I'm already missing Tekong.

Phuket wasn't very fun at all, it would probably be fun for people who enjoy party, dancing and getting drunk because the nightlife there is very happening. What I did was spend my time in the hotel room playing my Nintedo 3DS... $300 well spend on the ticket and the DS. 

Well I actually did some shopping beforehand, bought myself a shoe, was too lazy to actually how much it would cost in Singapore dollars, so I just roughly guesstimated and bought the shoes anyway. It was only after I paid the cashier did I realise I just spend half my entire money on a pair of shoes on the first day, just hours after landing in Phuket. Which was why I retreated back to the hotel room after that and didn't dare to go out anymore because I felt poor... the shoe was very comfortable to wear, but that was not a valid reason for it to make me feel like a beggar for the rest of the trip.

Overall I think I wasted my money because the trip wasn't fun at all, the only fun I had was coming from my Nintendo 3DS.

I couldn't join my Mum and Grandpa on a massage because I am ticklish... the masseuse will probably feel insulted if I were to be giggling while she or he was massaging me, it's like when your little brother is really small and the girls sees it and starts laughing to herself... same same but not really. At least the masseuse get paid for feeling insulted, the guy will probably turn gay afterwards.

...and me and nightclubs don't go well together, especially with female hookers dancing around poles giving you a hard on, only to confuse your boner after they rub that bulge in their pants on your face.

The food on the other hand was pretty good, the seafood was great and I had Dunkin Donuts on the first day, oh such fond memories of Dunkin Donuts I had when I was younger in Bangkok... vomited in a restaurant right after eating them.

You know how rockets have this booster at the end that thrust them up?... and they have structures to hold them up before lift off... well my father was the structure holding me up by my arms and the booster was my vomit... only thing was the structure was very strong so I was just mid air vomiting the whole time while being dragged to the toilet.

It was a good thing I didn't vomit this time round.

Jetstar Asia is not a good airline for people with long legs such as myself because the amount of leg space in that aircraft is claustrophobically small. It's like when I want to sleep I can't because I'm sitting upright due to the face the chair can't incline to a comfortable position, and I can't my rest my head in front on the pull down table because my head will just end up on the back of the chair in front. It was a nightmare that lasted for an hour. Thankfully it was only 1 hour... I can't imagine sitting that and going to Australia... I will probably be send straight to the mental institute after landing.

Anyway. Tomorrow will be my first day to Clementi Camp... not looking forward to it because the faces that I will be seeing there tomorrow won't be familiar faces anymore, really missing my bunk mates now.

I will miss the first few weeks when my neighbor bed buddy will just pop into my bed and chit chat with me about random things.

When my other neighbor bed buddy will start talking to me and the conversation will just become really dirty and I will start laughing till I tear.

When my old Buddy started talking to me and becoming really good friends.

I will miss my section "mascot". Forever slow, forever blur and always get scolded by us but loved by everyone in the Platoon nonetheless.

Ah well... guess POP is not as great as I thought it would be. Especially after spending 17 weeks with them instead of 9 weeks. If it was 9 weeks I probably wouldn't be as attached to them as I am now, in fact 9 weeks into BMT I still wasn't really starting proper conversations with them at all.

Trying to stay positive for tomorrow because apparently it's more "lepak" then BMT. It's gonna be hard to beat though because my Coy in BMT was very lepak.

Tuesday 11 October 2011



It's been a great 4 months, PTP Phase was great because there was so much free time and BMT Phase was great because I started getting close with my section mates. In the end BMT wasn't so bad after all.

Definitely gonna miss Jaguar Company.

All that aside. Tomorrow I'm going to fly to Phuket with my family. Initially it was Taiwan, but because the Army isn't paying me enough, I have to settle for Thailand. And to join me on my Phuket trip would be my new Nintendo 3DS that I have purchased today.


A self proclaim Sony Fanboy getting himself a Nintendo 3DS is BEYOND forgivable.

Well this was a pathetic attempt at a blog post.