Tuesday 31 May 2011

Twitter Block

When I enter the Army, my Twitter timeline is gonna take a turn for the worse, right now I'm slowly trying to resurrect it with like 3 new tweets since last month.

Since I'm gonna be using Twitter soon, I decided to do some blocking here and there and make my Twitter timeline private. There are some people you just don't want to expose your timeline to because they will probably turn your tweets against you.

Probably not but its good to take precautions, you never know when they will start becoming too comfortable with you to make you uncomfortable.....

Blocked : Do you know who needs a life ? This guy right here! *points in my direction* He games all day long he practically doesn't have any friends. Proof

Random Listener : Yeah, he games a lot...

Blocked : ... and this brings me to a meme called "Forever Alone"

Random Listener : Why you so mean. Haha.

Blocked : Nah it's alright, we are friends, its fine. I'm like the only friend he has, so if he gets pissed off at me he wouldn't have any friend left.

The scenarios that goes on in my head makes a seemingly normal person in real life look like a complete asshole.

As I prepare for my life in the army, I must first get my hands on a good phone... my brother warned me not to get an expensive phone lest it gets stolen.

Ironically the phone that's been stolen from me was my first phone that is the Nokia 3315, which was the cheapest phone that I've ever owned. I liked that phone a lot, its freaking comfortable to use.

The most expensive phone I've ever owned, I misplaced on a bus because I was stupid.

Have to get a phone that can serve the internet, gotta watch like 1 Youtube video everyday at least to keep my sanity in the camp. I will probably be watching Shaytards if I can get a phone with a good battery life.

I've been listening to Kpop a lot lately, I don't even know if it's called Kpop anymore because they are making their debut in Japan with Japanese versions of their songs. So that means a lot of Mr Taxi and Replay on replay.

It's weird how people question your taste in foreign music by asking you dumb questions like "Do you understand what they are singing about?". I'm listening to music, not reading a damn book, who cares if I don't understand what they're singing about, as long as the music is good and the singer can sing, its going into my iPod.

I have to admit that its really fun to hear a foreign song so many times you are actually able to lip synch to the song like some muscle memory.

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