Tuesday 31 May 2011

Twitter Block

When I enter the Army, my Twitter timeline is gonna take a turn for the worse, right now I'm slowly trying to resurrect it with like 3 new tweets since last month.

Since I'm gonna be using Twitter soon, I decided to do some blocking here and there and make my Twitter timeline private. There are some people you just don't want to expose your timeline to because they will probably turn your tweets against you.

Probably not but its good to take precautions, you never know when they will start becoming too comfortable with you to make you uncomfortable.....

Blocked : Do you know who needs a life ? This guy right here! *points in my direction* He games all day long he practically doesn't have any friends. Proof

Random Listener : Yeah, he games a lot...

Blocked : ... and this brings me to a meme called "Forever Alone"

Random Listener : Why you so mean. Haha.

Blocked : Nah it's alright, we are friends, its fine. I'm like the only friend he has, so if he gets pissed off at me he wouldn't have any friend left.

The scenarios that goes on in my head makes a seemingly normal person in real life look like a complete asshole.

As I prepare for my life in the army, I must first get my hands on a good phone... my brother warned me not to get an expensive phone lest it gets stolen.

Ironically the phone that's been stolen from me was my first phone that is the Nokia 3315, which was the cheapest phone that I've ever owned. I liked that phone a lot, its freaking comfortable to use.

The most expensive phone I've ever owned, I misplaced on a bus because I was stupid.

Have to get a phone that can serve the internet, gotta watch like 1 Youtube video everyday at least to keep my sanity in the camp. I will probably be watching Shaytards if I can get a phone with a good battery life.

I've been listening to Kpop a lot lately, I don't even know if it's called Kpop anymore because they are making their debut in Japan with Japanese versions of their songs. So that means a lot of Mr Taxi and Replay on replay.

It's weird how people question your taste in foreign music by asking you dumb questions like "Do you understand what they are singing about?". I'm listening to music, not reading a damn book, who cares if I don't understand what they're singing about, as long as the music is good and the singer can sing, its going into my iPod.

I have to admit that its really fun to hear a foreign song so many times you are actually able to lip synch to the song like some muscle memory.

Thursday 26 May 2011

A week left of Civilian Life.

Skipped my Graduation Ceremony on Tuesday after much thought, Well it took me 20 minutes of thinking to change my mind really, decided not to go on Monday night.

Didn't see the point really. I graduated with a 2.5 GPA.... send me off in style with my mediocrity. I'm just bitter because after Graduation is Enlistment into the Army.

My last week of civilian life will be won't be a fun one. It's not fun to know that the following Tuesday will be my enlistment to the army and also to have people do their own stupid countdown on their damn facebook page to constantly remind me of my own.

Just when I have forgotten about it, I log into facebook and I see post like this....

"15 days to the end of my civilian life!"

"10 days till botak!"

"So fast! 14 days to Army."

Thanks for the constant reminder... I don't appreciate it at all. And it's always the enthusiastic malays who are posting that, my chinese friends never do this stupid countdown shit to remind me of a future imprisonment my free Physical Training or 14 days straight of P.E (confinement period, not sure if it's 14 days or 17 days though. Really hoping it's the former obviously) .... I have never enjoyed PE as a kid so my inner Primary and Secondary school kid isn't really screaming with joy at the top of my lungs.

Headed down to CMPB to hand in my Specialist Letter to the Medical Officers, and always get served by the very bitter army medic guys. Never smile, always look super bored and have the can't be fucked face. Understandable though, my face will probably look like that one day if I get into the medic. *fingers crossed* All the injections that I will inflicting on others and myself just makes me so excited, the new names I will be giving to the new styles of injection, it will be like the kamasutra of injections.

I got so nervous during the injection part of the check up on my first days there I actually started laughing at a joke the two medic were making among themselves. I didn't even know what the hell they were talking about, I just decided to giggle since they were giggling, the medic just looked at the nut-bag in front of him that was giggling for no reason and inserted the needle.

Since it was my 2nd time visiting, I was more aware of my surroundings and the first room I got into was straight into the room where everyone had to take their top off. I was able to keep mine on and maintain my dignity, and it was weird because I thought the place will stink a little since everyone had to take their clothes and shoes off, but it smelled really good, then I realize it was because at every side of the room ,except behind the counter, there were 2 automated air freshener so all in all there were 6 air fresheners constantly pumping out Glade or something... if you lighted a match the whole place will probably just explode.

So saw the Medical Officer, PES remained the same, kinda expected that so no disappointment there, I mean could've been worse, they could've upgraded me to A for skiving so much and failing all the time.

Took about an hour and my Mum was waiting for that whole hour which made me feel really bad, couldn't ask her to leave first because my phone had to be confiscated before entering. After that headed to Bukit Timah Shopping Center and bought myself 2 cups of bubble tea.

I have been really addicted to Bubble Tea lately, I have no idea why, it's not for the pearls I know that, can't be the caffeine because if it were for the caffeine I would be having a cuppa everyday. Forever it shall remain a mystery.

p/s. Just did a stupid countdown with my own blog post title. Now I don't appreciate myself reminding myself of my imminent imprisonment.

Monday 23 May 2011

Virgin Trip to USS

Setting foot into USS (Universal Studios Singapore) yesterday was pretty surreal. I've always thought the only theme park Singapore will ever get will be Escape theme park, which truth to be told is pretty shit since all the rides there are for kids and even the adult rides don't really require much balls to sit to be honest, just a really good stomach.

I saw the giant Universal Studio ball that everyone seem to enjoy taking pictures with and for some reason there was a lot of steam coming out from the ball, but I wasn't really keen on taking picture with the ball because I wanna get into the theme park and ride the rides, and alsobecause there were so many people, a mixture of the already scorching sun and probably the warmth of a thousand sweating people makes for a really really smelly entrance.

So apparently yesterday was booked only for SPH workers and their family and my sister being an employee for SPH meant that her family was able to tag along.

I personally have no idea how crowded USS is suppose to get on a normal day, but as we entered the theme park, the whole place was just swarming with people who were raising their cameras above their head, probably trying to capture what I'm trying to describe here into a photo. It was nuts and I was really turned off by it obviously, for a introvert who enjoys staying at the confinement of his own home, that entrance was a nightmare.

Having discussed ahead of time, me and my sister decided to speed walk out way to the Battlestar Galatica Roller Coaster ride.

Best roller coaster ride I've ever taken, then again I've never really taken one as epic looking as this.

Took a few other rides after that, none as fun as this, although the Mummy ride was pretty fun, was very warm because there was a lot of fire going on in that dark confine space. Fire was literally shooting out from the ceiling at one point before it started pulling everyone backwards like a reverse coaster, that would have been a great time to vomit, especially if you are sitting in front, you don't get soiled by your vomit first of all, and secondly, its so dark no one will even know you have vomited, after a few years people will just think that smell is the smell of rotting mummy corpse. Genius. My train of thoughts is on a roll, that would have made a perfect punt but too lazy to think of one right now.

Going to theme parks makes me feel like a kid again, it's rides first and souvenirs later. I was a moron though because I kept riding and riding till all the stores closed and all I got was the WTF shirt from the Battlestar Galatica store, the one Natalie Tran wears on her videos, Size S. Female

I will probably go there again after I've served for my country. No idea what crime my country did but alright, I will serve since I'm getting paid for it and it's free Physical Training, which I need terribly. Forgive me Father for I have sinned, it's been a week since my last run.

Now I really wanna ride this....

And then I wanna ride on this person's back...

Sunday 1 May 2011

Failed Attempt at Downgrading

In order to not jinx what I hope would be a successful method of getting downgraded for my army PES status, I decided to go visit a skin specialist without telling any of my friends about it.

I have eczema on my right pinky which looks horrible when it starts to shed its skin and I thought that would be a great illness to use against the Army. I just need to show them the finger and I can get excused from any physical activities to prevent the skin condition from worsening, well that was what I thought.

So a few weeks ago I decided to head to the Polyclinic to get a reference letter to see a skin specialist, and the only reason a person will visit the polyclinic is to either get a MC for their "headache" or get a reference letter to see a specialist so they can get a discount, and people who are suffering from "headache" are swarming the place along with a bunch of old people there with serious leg injuries or potential dementia to get a specialist letter, a swarm of people meant a long queue.

It took 2 hours before my turn finally came, the 2 hours were spend playing my iPod Touch games and listening the Yogscast (which is an awesome british podcast by 2 gamers). Saw the doctor for 10 minutes to get a letter and a medical cream which I didn't bother to use, when you are using your eczema as an excuse to downgrade your PES status, you don't want it to get better.

2 hours wait for a 10 minutes consultation with the doctor, I deserve the specialist letter for waiting for long, the dedication to "keng" is strong. So a few days later I got to see the specialist and the skin clinic was really empty because there wasn't anyone who was pretending they were ill, only people who exaggerated their illness, people like me.

Like 15 minutes after I reached the place I got to see the doctor. She took a look at my finger and asked me what was wrong, told her I was having eczema and it hurts and all the things that happens once a fortnight.

"My finger gets really tender and sensitive" <- Happens like once every few days.

"It starts to bleed and its really hard to do a lot of things" <- Happened like 3 to 4 times

And then...

"I think its starting to affect my other fingers." <- True, the fourth finger on my right hand was flaking. If my pinky eczema condition was akin to having a skin snowstorm, then my other fingers would probably be like the beginning of winter, just slight snowing, not very obvious.

I mean I wasn't lying, I told the truth, I just didn't elaborated on them.

She then told me she will prescribe steroid cream for me and that was it. I didn't wait 2 hours in the Polyclinic just to see a specialist that would give me the same cream, one that's slightly stronger, the polyclinic doctor prescribed. So I decided to asked her to write me a specialist letter, to which she replied...

"It's not that serious, you won't be able to get downgraded from this small problem, I can write what we did today but that's all."

That very day, she crumbled my entire world. She was my only hope in getting downgraded and she had to tell me it was not possible, tried to tell her the gravity of the situation, that I have been on medication for a year and its not really helping, all she could do was give me a review a month later to see how bad the skin will get after.

Obviously its not going to make a difference, so I have been applying the medication and to my dismay it proves to be effective. F*ck.

Just gonna go for the review a month later for fun, probably won't make any difference but gonna try again.