Saturday 19 March 2011

Proper Update.

Not having any school really does something to a person's body clock, I use to live in a GMT +8 body clock, but at this point I'm pretty sure I've just went to... too lazy to calculate.

Not only am I sleeping at 3 am every night and waking up at 12.30 pm every day, at this point in time I can't even remember what day it's suppose to be today because I've been staying at home since school ended all day. I would be a healthier version of a basement dweller I suppose since I dwell in a corner near the window where I can actually get some sunlight once in a while to photosynthesis.

I might probably go out one day just for the sake of going out because after a while its just really sad and the background music in my head just gets really really depressing. Plus I am really wanting to drink me some KOI Bubble Tea. I never understand how people can't taste the difference between KOI and a random Bubble Tea store.

"Hmmm... no difference what? So disappointing, queue so long but the tea not up to my standard."

Obviously it's not "up to standard" when what you had in mind was a cocaine laced bubble tea drink with super delicious pearls that have a soft centered filling of awesomeness. But than again everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if that opinion isn't right.... and by right I mean whatever I think is right. Kthxbye

I've actually decided to remove the rant I made yesterday about someone I met online because writing that just made me realize how much I need to get my ass out of my house. The moment you start thinking your online buddies are real life friends, its time to ask your Mum to grab the broom to chase you out of the house to get a life.

My 21st Birthday happened 5 days ago and unlike everyone out there who take their 21st Birthday "really seriously", I stayed at home and ate this delicious durian cake my Mum bought as my birthday cake... It was f*cking delicious... Angie's Choice is like the KOI of cake shops in Singapore.

But if I were to have a 21st Birthday Party, it's gonna be the most self centered, most obnoxious 21st Birthday Party ever.

And the theme shall be~

"Me.! Me.! Me.!"
Screw You. It's all about me today."

It's good to be honest. People will have to dress according to me. If I want you to dress as a bunny, you had better come in a hopping to my house in a bunny costume.


Someone's been watching too many Super Sweet 16....

I get why she's pissed about it... when I am about to get a new car for my birthday, I want to show it off to EVERYONE in my party... not just my close friends, Spoiled Attention Seeking Brats should deserve all the Attention they want.

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