Monday 28 June 2010


The new term started today.

The release of the Term Project was actually pretty fun, now the students have 2 choices, we are actually given option to choose which project we want to do. It's doesn't get any better than that, you either take the hard one, or the hard one.

The hard one requires us to do some concrete mixture thing and the other hard one required us to use plywood. Being the Singaporean that I am, I decided to take the one that everyone took, the hot topic which was the concrete project. When I say hot topic, I mean "Great Singapore Sale Aunties Hogging and Smashing Each Other Withe Plastic Bags" hot. Okay, so maybe it isn't as choatic as that, but there's a queue going on, like how people queue up for the iPhone. It was pretty long.

44 spots for that project, I was No.40.

Am I lucky or am I hardworking. I bothered to queue up and it got me that project,so I am both hardworking and lucky, but mostly hardworking because so far I haven't won any lottery, well I don't buy lottery but if I was really lucky, I would have found a winning lottery ticket on the floor by now.

I have no idea which one is easier because it could go both ways, here's hoping it's easy to score because I bothered to move my butt and queue up.

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