Monday 28 June 2010


The new term started today.

The release of the Term Project was actually pretty fun, now the students have 2 choices, we are actually given option to choose which project we want to do. It's doesn't get any better than that, you either take the hard one, or the hard one.

The hard one requires us to do some concrete mixture thing and the other hard one required us to use plywood. Being the Singaporean that I am, I decided to take the one that everyone took, the hot topic which was the concrete project. When I say hot topic, I mean "Great Singapore Sale Aunties Hogging and Smashing Each Other Withe Plastic Bags" hot. Okay, so maybe it isn't as choatic as that, but there's a queue going on, like how people queue up for the iPhone. It was pretty long.

44 spots for that project, I was No.40.

Am I lucky or am I hardworking. I bothered to queue up and it got me that project,so I am both hardworking and lucky, but mostly hardworking because so far I haven't won any lottery, well I don't buy lottery but if I was really lucky, I would have found a winning lottery ticket on the floor by now.

I have no idea which one is easier because it could go both ways, here's hoping it's easy to score because I bothered to move my butt and queue up.

Saturday 26 June 2010


It's pretty late now and tomorrow is the last day of my holiday, technically tomorrow is the start of the new term but since I have not gone to bed yet, I shall just lie to myself.

Very much not looking forward to it. Seated right in front, the tables are arranged in such a 2 by 2 manner, and it's like the 4 tables in front belong to me because my friends are all seated behind me. I am seated at that spot to shield my classmates from the lecturer's spit, like a meat shield.

I can't move because if I do, I am going to look like a loner, seating all by myself at one corner, the empty table is literally at the corner of the room. I am already pretty much a loner now, sitting at the front with my friends sitting behind me is like a pretense, I don't speak to all my mates that are seated behind me, I am only speaking to 2 of them and there are about 5 seated there.

It's not that they don't speak to me, just to be clear, I am not speaking to them.

There's no animosity going on, but with some people, there's really no common topic to talk about. If you try to start a conversation it will just end really quickly, the awkwardness will last longer than the actual conversation. I am being cock block by my mates because people I speak to mostly are situated behind them.

One thing to look forward to though is the new project that will be coming up, it's exciting because it's going to be an individual project! The excitement will die when I know what the project is about, but for now, it's a "Yay!" for me. Now there's no more excuse for me to stay back to do group work, I had to stay back till 8 pm one time for my group project last term, and I didn't do anything, it was a bloody waste of my time, time that I could have spend at home playing Aion. Subscription Fees are not spelt with a "R" in the middle of "F" and "E".

Over the holidays I made more friends online than I ever will in a year. Aussies from my guild, it's fun to listen to Australians speak and learn their lingo, I just assumed everything they said, that I didn't understand, was their lingo. Many a times it's just a spelling error and I will have sigh of relief when the other guild members go....

"WTF are you talking about mate?"

... because it just makes me realise I am not the stupid one who doesn't understand, we are all stupid together for not understanding the error filled sentence in the Guild Chat.

Aussie Guildies are so much more friendlier than Singapore Guildies, a pity school's gonna start soon and I am not going to be able to spend as much time in-game anymore.

Why Real Life Why?

Latest record with Aion was that I played till 3 in the morning. When you enter an Instance Dungeon(Google it Non-Gamers) , who knew it would take 5 hours to complete, I was literally stuck on my computer for 5 hours, you may think to yourself...

"You can just stop and go to sleep whenever you want."

... if you think that way, you are obviously not an MMO player, you don't just leave a group in game when you want to, that would just make you an asshole in the gaming community. I am not kidding, you can't just go, people online will sometimes get pissed. We stay on the game because we care, not because we are too engross in it, well maybe a little of the latter, but mostly the former.

A good analogy is like telling someone to stop the baking process of a cake because they are running short of time. It's ridiculous, we gamers are committed online, I am pretty sure fellow MMO players will agree with me.

Ask your wife to STFU and GTFO. Some guy I met online said his wife threatened to divorce him if he don't stop playing, the group that I was in ended up not having a tank for the whole run,, a tank is essential because it's like a meat shield in the group, like how I am a spit shield for me mates seated behind me in class, you need them to get spanked by the mobs(in game monsters) or the group's gonna wipe (everyone dies), luckily the people in the group were experienced and in the end we didn't need the tank to survive, but I've been blaming his wife ever since because she just made me realise that we have no life, that's why we are so good at what we do in-game.

I am not that good a gamer, if I say I am in-game people will think I am being arrogant, and if I say that I am a really good gamer in real life, people will say I have no life. It's like there's no pleasing anyone.

Wednesday 23 June 2010


I have recently set a new personal record for myself, one that I am extremely proud of.

I managed to play Aion for 10 straight hours, non-stop with the exception of taking a piss in my pants every now and then and having to go to the toilet to clean it up. I was stuck on my computer screen for 10 hours.

You don't get to hear someone announce that everyday do you, because people who beat my record are too engross in their game, they have completely forgotten about their social life, which I am pretty sure I myself am lacking.

On the topic of social life, it's safe to say my circle of friends has dwindled to only a handful of tens. I am not even kidding at how sad my social circle is right now. My online social circle is getting a lot bigger though... not really making me feel any better but I have been playing with a bunch of aussie players and they are not racist at all, which is of course surprising to me because I just assume any causcasian I see is a racist because they have a thing against slanty eyes I guess and towards people who has "Chink" as their first name.

Difference between Aussie players and Singaporean players online is probably the way they speak on Ventrilo, a programme that allows you to speak to your guildies. Singaporeans all sound extremely tired when they are speaking on Vent while Australians are more energetic, no where near being high, a little dead but you can sense a bit of life in them.

I don't speak to them because I feel inferior with my accent, I just told them I will get too turned on if I hear myself speak on Vent when they ask why I don't speak on it. They laugh, but I know they want to hear my voice real bad. You don't get to hear the voice of an angel on Vent everyday, like how you don't get a no life showing off how no life he is by telling the World Wide Web his 10 hour gaming streak everyday.

Countdown to the start of a new term.
Holding back on the enthusiasm.
Damn it. School or stay at home all day doing nothing productive. Hmmm~

Monday 21 June 2010


If you have recieved a personal message on your tagbox, please re-link me.

Just to talk about life in general.

Holiday's started, for like a week now and that's probably how outdated this blog is. I've been home all day playin Aion because who needs to go out and get a life when you have Aion. It's been pretty boring over the past few days truth to be told.

Results for my first project of the year is out and I got a C! C is a very common grade I get, which is of course extremely upsetting, but nothing can be more upsetting than the end of the project, the joys I have shared with my groupmates. Everything turned out great, even the sacrasm filled in this passage.

No one in my cohort likes group work at all. Especially in a design project, nobody likes to compromise their own design. I don't even know where to start with how terrible to group is, not the people, I like the people in the group, well most of them that is.

It's actually the workstyle that the group has somehow adopted that was terrible. You come in whatever time you want, group discussion doesn't neccessarily have to have the whole group involved. Sometimes it would only be 2 people discussing and sometimes 3, there are 6 people in the group.

The design had to be re-done over and over again and again it was just really bad.

If you were to experience that whole thing in my shoes, you would be glad you got a C. I can't even be bothered to treat this as a real exam because denial works best in such cases.

A week more to go before school starts, and 4 months to go before NAPFA starts. I have to get a least a silver this time round, been failing a lot in Secondary School. Silver so I won't have to go NS for an extra 2 months. Why must Singapore be so small and lacking manpower, why can't they just hire foreign talents to die for our country. Get those from a third world country, they will never start a war with us, ever. Unless of course they get paid by us and then start their own army in their country to overthrow us for treating their men like dispensable soldiers.

One can hope can they not?