Saturday 20 April 2019

Factory Trip

Went on a company field trip today to a supplier's factory that I didn't really want to attend but was told it was compulsory, got lost on the way there and realized I had dropped off one bus stop early, so ended up walking a good 10 minutes under the intense afternoon sun to the correct location.

The factory is located in an industrial area, so there aren't any direct bus in, it also isn't shaded very well which made the extra walking I had to do so much more worst.

Upon my arrival at the factory, I soon realize that not the term "compulsory" was being used very very loosely because not even 50% of my colleagues actually showed up and because I was so hot and bothered after the walk over, I was barely paying attention to the tour once it actually stared, which also ended before I knew it, the whole walk though barely lasted 15 minutes, I spend pretty much the entirety of the tour standing in front of one of those industrial fans to cool down, so whatever the guide was saying was completely drowned out by the whirring sound made by the giant fan blades.

Everyone there was then ushered back to the office area of the factory, treated to a buffet style lunch and then dismissed. I was originally told by my manager that the trip will last about 3 hours, but I reach and left the place in less than an hour.

I only realize that I had learn nothing of great importance, or even remember anything about the tour now that I am actually thinking about it. If it weren't for the free lunch that was provided, I honestly think that the trip to the factory today was a huge waste of time, then again I also have nothing much to do now that all my projects have ended so it's only a matter of where I would have wasted my time today, at home or in the factory.

Speaking of wasting time at home, I recently also got my hand on a Nintendo Switch, bought Mario Kart 8 as a first game, but then decided to buy a second one on the eStore called Hollow Knight, which I currently have a love hate relationship with. It's fun but it's also difficult, so as much I enjoy the game, I am also getting equally frustrated, it's one of those games that makes me want to throw the controller on the ground, except I can't because the controller is attached to the main console and giving in to that anger and doing that would be a very very stupid move.

The New York trip is drawing closer as well and I am not really feeling all that excited about it after I sat down and really thought about it, my Sister wants a day to herself, so she is forcing me to plan a day for me to explore the city by myself and I started drawing a blank on what I wanted to do there.

I know I want to visit a few of the famous bakeries there, but I am already expecting those places to be crowded, and I don't do well in crowds, whenever I see anyplace I want to go to packed to the brim with people, I always find myself walking the other way and I am very scared that that will happen in New York, where I will just subconsciously walk away from the stores because of how crowded they are.

Really should have through this trip through before I agreed to it, the cookies and pies from milkbar better be worth the trip.