Sunday 1 April 2018


My Company had a renovation event over the weekend and I was present for the first half of the day, my second half was dedicated to my other client who wasted a lot of people's time last night.

But since I have already blogged about the latter, I will blog about the former.

So for my company event, my boss had this idea to giveaway door gifts to customers who came to the event, and it's not small useless items like a calendar or a notepad, my boss decided the free gift would be appliances like hairdryers, ovens and even an induction cooker, this promotion naturally drew in a lot of customers and that's where the problem lies because half of these customers weren't really there for renovation purposes, they were just there for the free door gift, and I had the unfortunate privilege to serve two such disgusting individual yesterday.

From the get go, I could already tell they were there purely for the free door gift, it was so obvious.

The first guy had a floor-plan, so I started with him first. When I asked him what he wanted to do with his home, he went...

"Maybe you can share with me what you think I can do to it, propose some ideas to me."

... so I ran through the space with him and found out that the space is already furnished, the necessary carpentry are already in, there was nothing I could do unless it was additional carpentry that he requires, so I asked him if he wanted to redo his existing carpentry instead, and he goes...

"Well, the cabinets are all actually still in good condition, so maybe not."

... you don't want to touch your existing carpentry and you also have no idea what additional carpentry you want added into the space, fucking obvious this guy is a scam, so I decided to fuck with him a little and ask him to share with me how his house layout is like because I got a little suspicious that the floor-plan probably wasn't even his.

I told him to share with me how his current master bedroom layout was like and needless to say, the layout he shared with me just didn't work. He told me he had a walk-in wardrobe in the room, and in that room, he also had a King Size Bed, when I ask him to roughly draw out the layout for me, the bloody bed couldn't even fit into the space after the walk-in wardrobe space was marked out. I then told him straight that the bed doesn't fit if the layout is like this, and he just replies with...

"Yeah, I have a little space constraint" constraint my fucking ass, your bed can't even fit in the room, what the fuck? Is the bed clipping into the wardrobe space like a badly drawn 3D drawing?  I then decided to just go over his requirements quickly, because I know he is not going to actually do a proper renovation, might as well get it over and done with. We discuss possible carpentry he can install, I did a quick quote for him on the spot and his fake consultation was over.

And then his friend was also with him and it is clear that the 2 of them are in this event together for the free gift, so after I was done with one free loader/ liar, I decided to move on to the next.

Dude doesn't even have a fucking floorplan, when I told him I couldn't do much without any floorplan, he just ask me to give him a rough estimate on how much it would cost to renovate a 2 bedroom condo. His consultation doesn't even last 5 minutes and after that, I ushered them out, I was contemplating on just sending them on their way without giving them the door gift, but I stupidly told my marketing manager to let the guy with the floorplan draw a gift and he did, but I also made sure to let his friend know that he wasn't eligible because he didn't have a floorplan.

Your friend put in the effort by bringing a floorplan, you didn't, so he gets to reap the benefits of being a cheapskate scammer and you just wasted your time.

Right after they leave, another pair of customer walks in and this time, they were honestly at the event for to ask about the renovation for their home, unfortunately,  I really didn't like the wife because she was being a bitch the entire time.

When they first came in, the husband was carrying the baby, so the wife was the one I spoke to, she passes me her floorplan and she just had this disgruntled look on her face the entire time, she did not smile at all during the consultation and when I suggested some ideas to her, she will question them, I knew from that moment that I am never going to agree to a second appointment with them even if they requested for it because I don't want to be dealing with a fucking cunt for the next 2 to 4 months.

After a while, the wife was over it, so she decided to let the husband talk to me instead, she takes the baby from her husband and starts rocking her baby in her arms as her husband took her seat and started talking to me. The husband was so much more easier to speak to, he was very friendly and sometimes when I see husbands being such friendly individuals, it just boggles my mind how such a nice guy can end up with such a miserable and unpleasant creature for a wife.

But acts of miracle aside, the husband came prepared and he started sharing with me reference photos of interior shots he had found online, the whole time the wife was behind him just looking down and when we were done discussing the living room area, we moved on to the bedroom.

The husband requested to build a TV Console in the room, but because the space was too tight to fit a TV console, I advised him against him and when I asked them if they had actually seen the unit themselves and understand how small the space really is, the wife impatiently exclaimed...

No! We haven't gotten the key yet!"

....I wanted to swat her baby off her arms, throw my fucking chair at her face and shout back at her to watch her fucking tone.

She soon disappears into the company showroom and starts exploring the place with her baby while I discussed further with the husband and I honestly felt bad for the husband because he was sharing his ideas so intently with me, but I already know that I won't be scheduling any meet ups with him anymore, I honestly do not even want to bother doing up a quotation for him, just because his wife is such an unbearable creature.

When we were done, he signals to his wife that he was done and they soon made their way out, I got my marketing manager to give them a door gift as well because the husband was a nice guy, and as they were leaving the showroom, the husband thanks me for my time but the wife doesn't even bother, she thanks my marketing manager for the gift but doesn't even give me a second glance.

Fucking Bitch.

So I actually got no potential customers from the event yesterday because they were all garbage and because I couldn't stay long enough to get more due to the shit I had to settle with my other client during the latter part of the day.